In the past few years the Parkway West area has seen a student increase of younger children, so in upcoming years more teachers and classes will be added, and a JROTC program is a class that could be added. The salary for the teacher is half covered by the military, and all of the supplies are also covered.(Army JROTC)
When schools have gotten a JROTC program, they have seen an increase in graduation rates, attendance, and gpa, along with a decrease in a need for discipline and drop outs(Army JROTC).
Students who are looking into participating in a ROTC program in college and are hoping to get a scholarship for it, have an easier time getting it. Along with regular colleges those who apply to West Point or any other military accademy have a higher acceptance rate. Also, any students who plan on enlisting in any branch after high school will be in a higher pay grade than those who never participated in a JROTC program.(answers)
Many JROTC instructors help their students navigate options for life after high school, and help them to prepare for it. Some will go and help students find scholarships to ensure they get to college.(Pannoni) Along with that JROTC programs build the confidence and leadership abilities of teens. A retired Master Sergeant who is a junior ROTC instructor teaches his students how to tie a tie and , a shirt to marching and what is is to be an overall good citizen(Pannoni).
Average School | JROTC | |
Attendance | 90.06% | 93.48% |
Graduation | 86% | 98% |
In-Discipline | 15% | 5% |
Drop-out | 3% | Less than 1% |
GPA | 2.68 | 2.9 |
When West was massive back when it first opened, the solution for a need for more space was that most of the freshman classes were held in what is not the Early Childhood Center. With that space being use for something different now, space in the school is limited in each department. A JROTC classroom can be placed in an area that can not be easily used by any other type of class.
A useful video about what JROTC is.