For a JROTC program there are some requirements for the schools. There must be a classroom, which can be satisfied in multiple ways, at West we have PE classrooms that are not always in use, we have a library classroom that can be use. The best classroom location would be the extra classroom in the basement next to Amen's work room. Currently that room is filled with old music stands and other equipment. That room could be cleared out, and it has high enough ceiling that a drill team can practice in if other spaces are occupied. If the classroom in the basement is the room of choice, then over the course of the 2017-2018 school year, students could clean up the room for service hours.
A practice area for a drill team can be partially in the basement classroom, but also there are two gyms that can be used if other sports are not practicing in them, along with a cafeteria as our winter guard has proven over the years. When the weather is good, the marching band practice field has just been redone. According to Mr.Wallace, the band director, he does not intend to use the concrete practice field unless the band is learning drill, but he prefers to use the baseball outfield. Which leaves the asphalt practice field available for a drill team. An indoor drill area is can be either a gym, or also the band room as it has hash marks and yard marks for step size practice.
The need for storage space can be fulfilled with the garage that stores the golf carts. The marching band is planning to clean out their shipping container and store their stuff in there, leaving empty space in the garage. Also the potential classroom in the basement could be storage space if it is not use to teach in. Insurance can be covered with what our current sports have and the teacher will have the same one-two planning periods that West teachers have.
The class can be offered as an alternative to PE, which as long as the program averages 50 students a semester or 100 total participating in the program counted by semester the funding will continue from the military(this means that if a student takes the class both semesters he/she counts as two). A target range is required, and it could be easily placed in two places. Currently West Middle has an archery range which could be easily converted, or also there is room behind the baseball outfield that is not being used. The band can also be available for JROTC ceremonies, as there are currently volunteer bands created for many things.
Costs of the materials would be covered by the military, but there is the teacher. With a JROTC program the school pays half of the salary for the teacher. This mean for another teacher and the addition of classes the cost is significantly reduced.
For the different programs the applications are different, so for further details on what is required to obtain a program their websites must be consulted.(They can be found on the Works Cited page).